Lilly is
so talented. Today she taught herself how to blow raspberries. And she's been practicing ALL DAY. It really very cute and she will blow them back at you when you blow them. Now, not only does she drool constantly, but she blows it everywhere too! She's been eating bananas this week. She certainly enjoys all the fruits I've given her including applesauce and peaches. We're going to try sweet potatoes and squash next. She's still not big on rolling although she has rolled from her belly to her back and from her side to both her belly and back. (Did you get all that?)
And her poop stinks. Yes, I know its not the most delightful topic and I know that everyone said it would smell horrible when she started solids and you were all right. And her farts smell bad too! =)
Here are a few pictures of Lilly in her Valentine's Day outfit. I actually had her photos taken at good ole Walmart in this outfit but, seeing as Walmart is just NOW converting to digital photos, I won't be able to post the actual photos on here.

Lilly is looking at the fish tank-one of her favorite things to do! Look at that cute heart-butt!