Saturday, February 28, 2009

18 Months Old

Lilly turned 18 months old on February 23rd. I'm a few days late on this post. Honestly, I didn't realize she was 18 months old until the 25th when someone asked how old she was now. I said, "She'll be 18 months on the 23rd." The person responded, "Of March?" Ooops.
Anyways, she is definately a toddler these days. She is exploring her independance. She's thrown a few minor fits if she doesn't get something she wants; sits down on the floor and kicks her feet. She rarely sits still and is always on the move. She's pretty good at following directions now so I can get her to throw stuff in the trash and take off her hat and coat, etc. She likes to undress herself in the car. I usually have to put her hat and shoes back on everytime I get her out.

Exploring her creativity with fingerpaints. Daddy looks forward to matting and framing her latest creations. She really prefers blue. And she is certainly a "righty" as evidenced by the abundance of paint on the right side of her paper.

Yogurt is her new favorite food. She likes it too much to actually use the spoon. She prefers to dip her whole hand in the yogurt cup. She got mad last week when I wanted to avoid the mess and feed it to her. We compromised. I got a spoonful of yogurt on her spoon and then handed her the spoon. I cleaned up the highchair and put it in the garage. She is just sitting at the table in her booster seat now. She really likes it. One small step to "Big Girl Land," one giant leap for mom-kind. (Only my third graders would laugh at that joke...sorry.)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Jammies

Cheese! Thanks, Grandma and Papa, for the new Jammies! Lilly immediately said "woof!"

Oh, to be One Again!

Lilly is learning new words everyday. It amazes me the things she picks up on. She is really good at following directions now. She can run now-and she's pretty fast! She can also walk backwards on command. You just have to ask her if she can walk backwwards and she will show you! She loves looking at her books and she will bring them over to you and say "peeese?" until you read it to her. She points to and names a lot of things she sees in her books. She has to be sitting on your lap though, while you read it. If you are sitting on the floor she will back up and sit down right on your lap. She's really good at asking please and saying "taaa-doo!" (thank you)! She tries really hard to get her puzzle pieces to fit and likes putting the shapes in the shape-sorter toy. Lilly can scribble if you give her something to write with and some paper. We think she gets cuter and funnier by the day!

Lilly put her toys in the basket. Then she put her book in the basket. Then she put herself in the basket!

Looking more and more everyday like a little girl-not a baby!

Aunt Kate bought Lilly a Valentine's Day present (just a little early). Lilly loved all her stuff!

Just playing in a box. With her cup of juice. That's it.