Sunday, March 22, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I bought a tiny bit of play-doh and let her play with it at the table. She only tried to eat it once! She really seemed to enjoy the container and lid just as much as the play-doh.
She discovered that the dog treats are where she can reach them in the pantry so she decided to give Dozer a treat. I really don't think Dozer minded because I'm pretty sure he ate at least half the bag of treats. Lilly was forcing them in his mouth before he could chew up the last one. I like how innocent she is trying to look in this one!
I pulled Lilly's hair up into ONE big girl pony tail. She had some whispies and I had to clip up the back. It all fell down within about an hour...... But doesn't she sure look like a big girl?!?
Lilly has had a cold for about a week and a half. I think she's over the worst of it by now. I had tonsilitis (let's just go ahead and call it Strep Throat because that's what it turned in to) and missed Monday and Tuesday of last week. I lost my voice too so that was a lot of fun. We are headed for Pennsylvania for a quick weekend trip to go to Levi's cousin's wedding. We're excited to get outta town. This will be Lilly's first long car ride so we'll see how it goes! Look for pictures of this even early next week!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I Knew It Was Coming.....
I've been letting Lilly walk around the car and climb up the two steps into the house when I pick her up after school. Today was really warm so I set her down and went out to check the mail and bring in the garbage can. The driveway was mostly dry so I just let her run around. She followed me out toward the mailbox, stepped off the driveway and fell directly into a mud puddle. Nice. So I walked her inside, stripped off the muddy stuff and took her in to clean her up and put on dry clothes. Then we proceded back outside to go for a walk and get some much-needed fresh air. When we came in, her muddy shoes were still by the back door. I sat down on the couch and, not two seconds later, she came running to me holding a muddy shoe with dirt in her mouth!
So this got me to thinking about all the other unbelievable things one might find herself saying as a mom. Like, I know I've said, "Noooo, we don't poo-poo in the bath tub!" And "Nooo, we don't play in the toilet!" I was wondering if anyone remembers saying anything unbelievable like this. Maybe it could be like a preface as to what might be coming to me as Lilly enters her "terrible twos." I can only imagine what I have coming to me!
Feel free to leave me a comment as to what things I might be saying to Lilly some day. Even if you aren't a mom, I'm sure you can take a guess.