Elliette Ash Henning was born at 1:05pm on October 3rd at McLaren Central Michigan Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long. It was a quick labor and delivery! Levi actually got to deliver her.
We went home the very next day (Friday) but then Elliette and I had to head back in Saturday night because she was jaundiced. She spent 24 hours under some blue bili lights and was hooked up to an IV for hydration. We got to go home Sunday evening. The first week was a little rough between the jaundice and then a little weight scare later in the week at a doctor's appointment. All is good now though!
She has seamlessly fit right into our family and we feel like we are complete! The real fun has only just began. Raising 3 girls! Oh boy! (er, Oh girl!??)