Daddy decided that Lilly was getting far too big to sit in her infant bathtub on the kitchen sink. As a result, Lilly got her first big-girl tubby. She seemed to really enjoy it, even when she dove head-first into the water when reaching for a toy!
It was like, 40 degrees here today and sunny, sunny, sunny! Lilly, Daddy, Dozer and I made a trip to the park. Dozer chased the frisbee and Lilly and I swung on the swings and went down the slide.

Lilly getting ready to crawl. I have to put her on her hands and knees and she rocks back and forth. She hasn't actually gone anywhere yet! Usually she'll stay like this for a few and then dive for whatever toy I've placed in front of her. I'm not sure she understands that she can make herself move. She sure looks like a big girl though!
I'm on Spring Break this week. Mostly, I have spent it cleaning, reorganizing, and getting some other small things done around the house. And of course, spending lots of time loving on Lilly!
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