This weekend we went camping with the Campbell's, Grimes' and Anderson's. This was Lilly's first experience with camping (let alone her first vacation). She did....okay. I think she's been having a little trouble with her teeth so she was a bit crabby anyway. She slept in grandma and grandpa's trailer. She woke up a few times but grandma was willing to love on her in the middle of the night. I found Lilly sleeping in between Grandma and Grandpa on Monday morning! Here are a few pictures from the beach. Lilly didn't want sand on her hands and she only liked the water once we made it to the sand bar. The waves washing up on the beach were scarey to her! Hopefully her camping experiences will become more enjoyable in the future. We'll try again next summer I'm sure....
On a side note...her new favorite word has changed from "doadle doadle" to "doady doady." Still don't know what it means.......but it sure is cute!

Half a smile. At least it wasn't her usually pouty lip. I tried not to post the pictures with the pouty lip. Though maybe I should. It best describes her camping experience!
Listening to daddy's Ipod? Or chewing on it!

Hanging out with cousin Ana.
"I've got some goggles!"
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