I absolutely love Lilly's speech right now. She picks up words so quickly these days-have to be really careful what you say! She will attempt to say almost anything you ask her to say. As I'm sure it's normal for most kids, Lilly says some words really strangely. Her little mouth and tongue are still trying to figure out how to make some sounds. I thought it would be really interesting to record all the funny words she says because I'm sure it won't be long until she starts pronouncing them correctly.
Kathy(her babysitter)-Kaw-key
Lilly-either just baby or Yee-yee
guinea pig-inny pig
guinea pig-inny pig
Some words she repeats the ending sound (especially if they end in s or sh). For example, Brush is "brush-sh." Purse is sometimes "purse-ss." Josh is "Dosh-sh" (although Lilly still seems to call him Matt much to Josh's dismay!)
She also has a lot of generalizations. For example, all bags are purses. Any furry animal she doesn't know the name of is either a bunny or mouse. All dogs are called "Dozers" (and yes, it is plural!) Blankets are "sleepies" because that's what her lovey is called. All drinks are "babaa's". All birds are Peekas (that is our parrot's name).
Also, she starting calling me "mom." I don't really approve of this because I think she should still be calling me "mumma." I don't really know where she came up with this! Like, she'll run up to me and say, "Hi Mom!" Or the other day I got the hiccups and she kept saying " 'cuse you, mom!"
I have some videos of her naming things in her book and looking at the fish tank but I can't get them to upload. I will try in another post.
I have some videos of her naming things in her book and looking at the fish tank but I can't get them to upload. I will try in another post.