Lilly's 2nd Birthday Party was during the Family Camping Trip at Port Crescent State Park.
Lilly got a tricycle from mumma and daddy. She hasn't learned to ride it yet but I'm sure she'll figure it out soon enough. She also got a new baby from Aunt Kris and Uncle Dave. Now she has a baby to powder and change its diaper.

She got a teapot and teacups from Aunt Barb and Uncle Bill. She's getting good at playing "pretend."

Uncle Bill got her a fifth of Captain Morgan. I thought she was just
a little too young for this yet....
(Kidding, kidding!)

Uncle Bill helped her blow out her candles. We actually sang "Happy Birthday" to her twice!

Birthday parties really take it out of you! Time to snuggle with grandpa and bear-bear. She sure loves her grandpas!

This is the best shot I could get of the back of her birthday shirt that I made her. Two year olds sure move fast!Lilly also got a chef's hat and apron from Grandma and Grandpa and a Nursery Rhyme/music toy.

It has to be noted on the blog that when we got home from camping we found that our power had been shut off. Levi took all the bills with him to goldsmithing school in Ohio and forgot to mail them out (he was there all week long). We found out the hard way what happens when you forget to pay your bills on time. They were out to turn it back on a few hours later but most of the aquatic life in the saltwater aquarium met its fate. =( Anyways, we headed out to Grandma and Grandpa Henning's for another birthday party. Grandma and Grandpa got her a choo-choo train ride on toy with lots of buttons and music. We left that there (haha!).

She also got a new pair of jammies.

Uncle Josh and Aunt Tamra got her a Mrs. Potato Head.

Uncle Josh played with Mrs. Potato Head. Guess we know what to get him for Christmas!