Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lilly's in Training.......

at CLOWN SCHOOL! Or so it seems.....

Those would be Mrs. Potato Head's Glasses. She had the ears dangling from her own ears too but I wasn't fast enough for that picture!

Such a little KID! How does she think of these things? Seriously, no one has ever showed her this!

Kaity snapped this picture of her "reading" her book of sign language to Snickers. Notice that the book is even upside-down!
She makes us laugh on a daily (or hourly) basis. She started going back to the babysitter, Kathy's, house last week. Levi has tomorrow off, though, so he asked her what she wanted to do tomorrow. Her answer: "Kathy's!" I guess she's happy to be back playing with Isabelle and Matt (her friends).

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