Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Eve

Lilly in her Christmas gift. Someone in Levi's family had given Lilly this dress at one of my baby showers. It was the last thing left from a baby shower that was still hanging in Lilly's closet! And yes, grandma, the shoes you gave Lilly DID fit. She's wearing them in the photo!

We headed over to grandma and grandpa Henning's. She's obsessed with the brio trains lately (and The Polar Express and Thomas the Train.)
Aunt Kate got her some kitchen tools. A blender, mixer and coffee pot.
Lilly in her Christmas jammies from mumma and daddy.
We went home and put out cookies and milk for Santa. She decided on the way home that she wanted to leave bread for the reindeer (her idea!). We also left carrots for the reindeer.
Our house after Santa came. He left Lilly a new play kitchen!

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