Last night, Lilly and I were lying in my bed (because I didn't feel well). She was playing with her "diamond" that Levi had given her several days earlier from the jewelry store. Lilly very calmly says, "I put my diamond in my nose." I immediately yelled for Levi to bring the tweezers but it was already too far gone. I called Levi's parents to see if they could come help and Levi took Lilly to the living room to watch Monsters Inc. Then her nose started bleeding pretty heavily so we decided to head to the ER. The bleeding had subsided by the time we got the but the CZ was nowhere in sight. So they checked Lilly in (she was not happy about them taking her vitals!) Someone finally came in to try to get it out but he said he couldn't see it because there was so much dried blood. So we went to get an x-ray taken. Then another doctor came in to try to get it out but he wasn't able to either. We took another x-ray from the side and you could see it was pretty far up there. They called the ear, nose and throat doctor, Dr. Chomchai, who said she should stay the night in the hospital and he would put her under anesthesia in the morning and remove it.
They started an IV and Lilly and I headed up to the room while Levi went home to bring me overnight stuff. Lilly finally fell asleep at about 12:30 and I didn't sleep much at all! She wasn't in pain though and was in pretty good spirits most of the time. She eventually got used to the nurses checking her bracelet and she would hold up her finger for the little thing that checked her vitals. She even took deep breaths for the nurse when she listened to her heart and lungs!
They put her under at about 9am. She left me with the nurses crying hysterically but the anesthesiologist was very good with kids and said he was going to tell her a story about her favorite characters Max and Ruby and giver her strawberry scented oxygen. The doctor came out with the prized gem at about 9:25. He said it was a little difficult to remove because it was so slippery but he was able to remove it safely. We were discharged at about noon and Lilly was already feeling great!
Here's the famous CZ! Check out the size of that! The pointy end was pointing in toward the inside of her nose.
I can't believe how resilient kids are! This is the only way you'd be able to tell she even had anything done. She was outside playing this afternoon after taking a nap!
Levi is going to make her CZ into a large piece of jewelry that we might give to her as a reminded when she's older!
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