Monday, May 31, 2010


These are all backwards because I don't feel like rearranging them.
This was actually from Monday. We went to downtown Petoskey and walked around, shopped and ate lunch. On Sunday night we went to the Bob-In for frozen custard. Lilly was hamming it up for the camera in these little chairs. This is her fake smile!

This is more like her real smile!

Eating her "ice creeN" with Aunt Kate. Yes, the boys got just a little sunburnt out on the boat that afternoon!

Sunset over Lake Michigan

On Sunday, Matt and Kara's friends were renting a pontoon boat to cruise around near Indian River. We were out on the boat from about 9ish to 6:30! It was a long, fun day. Lilly fell asleep right on the boat towards the end of the day!

We anchored up at a few different sand bars. Dave is throwing Lilly in the air or "jumping" as Lilly calls it!
She played with Aunt Kate in the water most of the time. It was pretty warm on the sand bar!
Giving Aunt Kate kisses.
She doesn't have bottoms on here because we had to teach her how to go potty in the water! She didn't want to go in her bathing suit!

Dave, Kara and Levi on the boat. Dave and Lilly on the boat.

Lilly and Aunt Kate.

Just getting ready to go.

We had a great time this weekend! SO much fun and so relaxing! Thanks for having us Matt and Kara!

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