Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lilly hosts her first sleepover!

Lilly had a few friends over for a sleepover.  She invited Jordyn and Briar who were her friends from school and Adele Wylie.  

 They are HUGE cupcakes!

 And Lilly opened some cool presents.

 They decorated pillowcases with fabric markers.

 Lilly and Briar hard at work!

 They had a dance party in the sunroom! They didn't want me in there so I had to take awful pictures through the door!

 They played with some playdoh and made cakes!
 Lilly and Jordyn.  Jordyn's mom, Erin used to babysite Levi when he was a kid!
 Party favors-glowsticks and flashlights to be used for the nighttime scavenger hunt!
 They went on a scavenger hunt.  There were clues to where to go next and each spot had a puzzle piece to collect.

 After collecting all the puzzle pieces, they put them together to find where they treasure was.
 It was in the front porch bench!  Balloons, whistles, necklaces, pencils, erasers, toys, galore!

 Then we popped popcorn and they layed out sleeping bags in the living room and watched the movie Epic.  We only lost 1 girl at about 9:30 when Briar decided she was ready to go home!  (I thought that might happen!).
For breakfast, the girls ate cinnamon rolls and lemonade and then it was time to go!
My living room floor was covered in popcorn and Lilly actually said, "I'm really tired!"  Signs of a successful sleepover if you ask me!

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